It is a type of blindness when a patient is unable to recognize or interpret visual information, without any problem with vision (normal eyes and optic nerves).
What are symptoms of visual agnosia?
It is like the patient is unable to recognize a pen or a hammer when shown, but has no difficulty recognizing them with touch or feeling. Sometimes, the patient may be able to draw the object, but not able to visually recognize it.
What are usual causes of visual agnosia?
Usual cause of visual agnosia is damage to posterior parts of brain. The damage can be from a well-defined cause like a stroke, tumor, or degeneration of brain.
How is visual agnosia treated?
There is no known specific treatment, other than treatment of the cause.
What should one do if visual agnosia is suspected?
In acute setting, go to emergency room ASAP to make sure it is not caused by a stroke. Many strokes are treatable only within first few hours. If chronic, consult a neurologist for formal examination and investigations to find the exact cause.
Where can I get more information about visual agnosia?
American Ophthalmology Society
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